How Hoisting and Scope Work in JavaScript

To truly understand how JavaScript works ‘under the hood’, you need to understand the concepts of hoisting and scope. Before we can delve into definitions and examples, we first have to learn how JavaScript code is read and executed at run-time.

JavaScript's Object.assign() for newbies

I had my first real introduction to the Object.assign() method while learning how to create pure functions in React to manipulate state.

Using JS Object Models with APIs

After working with an object oriented language like Ruby, the transition to procedural programming can be tough. Luckily in JavaScript, there are prototyping methods that give familiar OOP functionality. I found these methods to be confusing at first, so here is an intro guide to prototyping in Javascript.

Swag for beginners: Stying a Ruby App with Materialize

I was really proud with the progress I made on my Rails application (a petfinder website for pets in shelters) but was weary of showing off my project since it looked like a poorly done site from the 90’s. Bootstrap’s default stying made this marginally better, but I wanted some style that I could be proud of while avoiding a 5 hour workflow.

Use Tux & Seed Files!!

I recently completed my Sinatra portfolio project, a website called stagNot which encourages people to try a new thing every day. In stagNot, you can add your new activity to a tracker which acts as a sort of diary of your adventures. You can also search for new activities and add them to your Wishlist for inspiration.